
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Safety precaution strategies for safe home internet use!!

The Internet isn’t a safe of a place as people think; there are many precautions you need to take to be safe when using it. Online forums like a blog website can be dangerous. Be careful about what you write on those, you never know who is reading it and what they are going to do. Posting photos of yourself is dangerous, people can see you and know what you look like and use your profile information to find out more about you. Online, people experiment with different personalities, be careful what you let out about yourself and what you tell them, you never really know who these people are, if they’re lying or if they are telling the truth. If there is ever someone perverted or is creeping you out, block them and report them to the social server! We do not like these people, because they are untrustworthy. If someone on the forum wants to meet you in person, don’t do it unless you have people with you and have informed your family. You never know what could happen if you were on your own with this person.


When it comes to websites, there are a lot of not secure ones. Never ever give out your credit information unless you know that the source that you are using is very reliable. We don’t want your information to be used by someone else. But there’s one thing that’s more annoying than anything in this entire cyber world; pop up’s. They’re annoying, and they are unsafe. Clicking on these pop up’s can lead people to different pages such as pornographic websites, or even a one way ticket to getting a virus. Luckily there is something developed call an anti-spyware, helps keep your computer free of viruses and free of pop-ups! But what’s even better, is now there is some Internet company’s like MSN or AOL have developed parental controls for their Internet, so adults have control over what sites kids can access. Keep your kids safe, at home and on the Internet, talk to them about the dangers, and plan the strategies to keep them safe.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Dangers and Perils of the internet

The Internet is not a safe place for people who don’t know all the dangers of it. Children need to be taught safe use of the Internet and what not to do when things pop up. A kid could be on the computer surfing the net and have a pop up shoot up on the screen advertising “smilies” or something of the like, and the child could click on it and the page gets redirected to a pornographic site. Kids don’t know any better when clicking on pop ups.


There are a lot of dangers on the Internet, if you fill out forms for a website like blog or chat rooms. Your personal information isn’t always confidential. Other people can see it and use it. There have been cases where a child has had their personal information up on chat rooms, have had random men adding them. They start to talk with them, get to know each other, and the man uses their personal information to find them, and kill them. There are people out there who have sexual needs for children who search for victims through conversations with carefree children over the Internet.

The Internet is a very big and scary place, we don’t know all the dangers that are on it and neither do kids. Keep kids informed about the dangers, and make the internet safe for you and your family at home.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Introduction- The Internet

It took a long process to get the Internet to come into play. In 1858 the Atlantic cable was established to carry instant communications across the ocean for the first time. But there was a technical failure so the service failed after a few days. But the new cable established in 1866 lasted for 100 years. These cables were the start of instantaneous communication and the groundwork for the Internet. In 1957 Sputnik launched APRA (Advanced Research Projects Agency). This group focused on computer networking and technology. In 1962 Dr. J.C.R. Licklider was chosen to head APRA, he laid down the foundations for what would be come the APRANET later known as the Internet. It took many more tries for the first demonstration of the APRANET to succeed.

CERN (Centre European pour la Recherche Nucleaire in English- European Laboratory for Particle Physics) was inspired by the APRA model of the APRANET, they built on it and called it the CERNET. By the early 1980’s it was the first time any internet protocol had been used at CERN during the Satellite Communication Project. It linked remote segments of 2 local area networks mainly the CERNET. By 1990 CERN had become the largest Ineternet site in Europe. In 1989 CERN’s Internet facility was ready to become the medium within which Mr. Berners-Lee was going to create the World Wide Web. The Internet was now an up and running program. Now it is being upgraded and made more efficient everyday.